, pub-4360618444531241, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 الإصدار الجديد لعملاق الإسكينات HD Glass 16 V 7.74

القائمة الرئيسية


أخبار الاخبار

الإصدار الجديد لعملاق الإسكينات HD Glass 16 V 7.74

الإصدار الجديد لعملاق الإسكينات HD Glass 16 V 7.88

عديد اضافات


- added new option in the setup: Restore config
1 after pressing "green", "OK" - always save complete renewable config
2 After activation "Restore config" will reset the values ??applicable
to verification
3 view diagnostics, if some incorrect value, the dump invalid parameters
- for defective items with type "set" to set the default value, others leave
it unchanged
4 you may use any number of config items in the config file, not necessarily all
- those who are not, leaving unchanged
5 the restoration and press cancel - uses the original value
6 after restoring verify the applicable Amended Nomenclature
7 after reconstruction automatically refresh display all settings
- updated pl, sk, cz, en, ru, de, it, uk, pt, tr, es, fa, al, ro translations
- added screen 39
- added icons type 14, 15 (prefered for screen 39)
- previews, icons sets and extrascreens graphics updated in download

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